We have giving a variety of services like support to sending shipments, Mobile application supply broker , infrastructure development for Courier , Cargo and Logistic companies, technical help for implementing Track and Trace for shipments including vehicles, supplying the barcode labels,PDA machines / scanners for warehoses and field staffs to update the shipment's Pickup and Delivery ,bulk printing of labels and more..
Ready for Pickup
We providing a Mobile App to you, which can download and isntalled on your mobile device and when it comes to picking up the shipments from your premises, we go for door-to-door pickup for your convenience and as the details provided in the pickup request information
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ReadyShip ensures the collected shipments by all the technical concepts and entering into different process stages for faster , safer and quality delivery for all types of your shipments and connecting for delivery to our Agents at the earlest time.
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We have conencted with a number of Shipment forwarders for Domestic and International services. The shipments collectd from you, forwarding it to our connected Agents / Forwarders. Your shipments will be delivered safly at your Receiver hands.
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